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sql-server – 将SQL Server 2012备份还原到SQL Server 2008数据

发布时间:2021-03-14 21:29:27 所属栏目:MsSql教程 来源:网络整理
导读:有没有办法将SQL Server 2012数据库备份还原到SQL Server 2008? 我试图附加文件,它不起作用. 解决方法 你有几个选择: 选项A:使用“生成脚本”选项在兼容模式下编写数据库: 注意:如果使用模式和数据编写数据库脚本,则根据您的数据大小,脚本将非常庞大,

有没有办法将SQL Server 2012数据库备份还原到SQL Server 2008?







首先使用所有索引,FK等脚本输出表,并在目标数据库中创建空白表 – 仅使用SCHEMA(无数据)选项.



-- save below output in a bat file by executing below in SSMS in TEXT mode

-- clean up: create a bat file with this command --> del D:BCP*.dat 

select '"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100ToolsBinnbcp.exe" ' /* path to BCP.exe */
    +  QUOTENAME(DB_NAME())+ '.' /* Current Database */
    +  QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(SCHEMA_ID))+'.'            
    +  QUOTENAME(name)  
    +  ' out D:BCP'  /* Path where BCP out files will be stored */
    +  REPLACE(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),' ','') + '_' 
    +  REPLACE(name,'') 
    + '.dat -T -E -SServerNameInstance -n' /* ServerName,-E will take care of Identity,-n is for Native Format */
from sys.tables
where is_ms_shipped = 0 and name <> 'sysdiagrams'                       /* sysdiagrams is classified my MS as UserTable and we dont want it */
/*and schema_name(schema_id) <> 'unwantedschema'    */                             /* Optional to exclude any schema  */
order by schema_name(schema_id)


--- Execute this on the destination server.database from SSMS.

--- Make sure the change the @Destdbname and the bcp out path as per your environment.

declare @Destdbname sysname
set @Destdbname = 'destinationDB' /* Destination Database Name where you want to Bulk Insert in */
select 'BULK INSERT ' 
/*Remember Tables must be present on destination database */ 
+ QUOTENAME(@Destdbname) + '.' 
+ '.' + QUOTENAME(name) 
+ ' from ''D:BCP' /* Change here for bcp out path */ 
+ REPLACE(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),'') + '_' + REPLACE(name,'') 
+ '.dat'' with ( KEEPIDENTITY,DATAFILETYPE = ''native'',TABLOCK )' 
+ char(10) 
+ 'print ''Bulk insert for ' + REPLACE(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),'') + ' is done... ''' 
+ char(10) + 'go'
   from sys.tables
   where is_ms_shipped = 0
and name <> 'sysdiagrams' /* sysdiagrams is classified my MS as UserTable and we dont want it */
and schema_name(schema_id) <> 'unwantedschema' /* Optional to exclude any schema */
    order by schema_name(schema_id)




